



Called to Testify: The Big Story in My Small Life Sutherland House Books, 2022, 196 pp.
The County of Birches,  A Collection of Linked Short Stories St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1999, 183 pp.

Douglas & McIntyre, Vancouver, 1998, 183 pp.

Published Online and Within Periodicals:

“Oskar Groening trial: Loss of the family I never knew” BBC Online

April 29, 2015

“Testifying” Another Chicago Magazine October 30, 2017
“In Sickness and in Health,” STORGY Magazine March 14, 2018
“Red” Barzakh Magazine. May 15, 2018
“About Time” The Nasiona September 24, 2018
“Us and Them” Die Letzten NS-Verfahren (The Last National Socialist Procedures) 2017
“Strange Bedfellows” Iris Journal 2020
La Campagne Bluestem Literary Magazine Fall/Winter 2020
“A Reason to Be” The Fiddlehead Winter 1997, pp. 79-97
“Not For Me a Crown of Thorns” Grain Winter 1997, pp. 106-120
“The Lord’s Last Day” Descant Summer 1997, pp. 103-124
“The New World” Queen’s Quarterly Fall 1997, pp. 525-536
“A Property of Childhood” Windsor Review Fall 1996, pp. 75-84
“The County of Birches” Prairie Fire Autumn 1996, pp.107-115
“Flight” Saturday Night July/August 1995, pp. 73-75
“Michael’s Story” Origins Summer 1982, pp. 103-117
“Is This All You Think About?” Periodics Winter 1981, pp. 102-107
“Free Associations” Camrose Review 1981, pp. 32-36
“Words and Hands” Montreal Writers’ Forum Feb. 1979, pp. 6-13
“Quality Stock” Windsor Review Spring 1979, pp.36-46

Anthologized Stories:

“Personal Effects” Contemporary Jewish Writing in Canada, An Anthology, Michael Greenstein, University of Nebraska Press, 2004,                pp. 131 – 138.
“The County of Birches” Tapestry of Hope, Holocaust Writing for Young People, Lilian Boraks-Nemetz and Irene N. Watts, Tundra Books, 2003,      pp. 139-148.
“Beautiful Girls” You Be Me: Friendship in the Lives of Teen Girls, Susan Musgrave, Annick Press, 2002, pp. 87-105.
“The New World” Blessed Harbours: An Anthology of Hungarian-Canadian Authors, John Miska, Guernica Editions, 2002, pp. 88-100.
“The County of Birches” The Oxford Book of Stories by Canadian Women, Rosemary Sullivan, Oxford University Press 1999, pp. 517-527.

The New Spice Box: Canadian Jewish Writing Vol.1, Ruth Panofsky, New Jewish Press 2017, pp.147-162.

“Personal Effects” Dreaming Home, Stories by Emerging Writers, Bethany Gibson, paperplates books, 1999, pp. 9-20.
“Not For Me a Crown of Thorns” The Journey Prize Anthology, Nino Ricci, McClelland & Stewart, 1997, pp. 79-98.
“Flight” Dimensions II,  Glen Kirkland and Richard Davies, Gage Educational Publishing Company, 1996, pp. 31-36.

Broadcast on CBC’s Between the Covers , August 1995.

“Lily” Celebrating Canadian Women, Greta Hofmann Nemiroff, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1989, pp. 249-258.