Media Coverage

Oskar Gröning’s Trial began in April 2015 in Lüneburg, Germany

This is just a small sampling of some of the media coverage that followed Gröning’s trial. Many more articles can be found online. 

001CBCAsItHappensArticle-ImageCanadians to testify against ex-Auschwitz guard accused as accessory in 300-thousand murders, presented by As It Happens, CBC, April 20, 2015

Excerpt: Évike arrived at Auschwitz in a cattle car along with 33 family members. “She stepped off the train onto the platform, she was set aside, they were immediately taken to the gas chambers and gassed,” Kalman says. … Read the CBC As It Happens article as a PDF, archived May 1, 2015


Oskar Groening trial: Loss of family I never knew by Judith Kalman, published by the BBC, April 29, 2015


Excerpt: The loss of my parents’ loved ones, in particular the six-year-old half-sister Eva Edit I never knew, left me with a burden of inherited survivor guilt that has been a defining feature of my life. … Read the BBC article as a PDF, archived May 2, 2015




Der Richter, der zum Nazijager wurde by Per Hinrichs, published in Die Welt, March 27, 2015


Read the Die Welt article as a PDF, in the original German archived May 1, 2015

Read an English translation of the Die Welt article as a PDF




Oscar Groening: ‘Book-keeper of Auschwitz’ admits he’s ‘morally guilty’ of mass murder of Jews by Don Mackay, published in the Mirror UK, April 21, 2015


Excerpt: “Judith Kalman, 61, from Toronto, there to represent her six-year-old sister gassed at Auschwitz, said: “I don’t feel resentment or hatred when I think of Groening. I believe him when he says he never laid a hand on a Jew. He is unsure himself of his guilt. He wants to have peace of mind. But he knows there can be no justification.” … Read the Mirror UK article as a PDF, archived May 2, 2015.



Holocaust survivors expect satisfaction in facing aged Nazi defendant by Matthew Schofield, published by McClatchy DC, April 20, 2015


Excerpt: Eva Judith Kalman, 61, also came from Toronto to face Groening. … “It’s my understanding that Groening was on guard at the point that my relatives arrived,” she said. … “I’m here because it’s important to speak on behalf of my murdered sister, to speak on behalf of all my murdered family members,” she said. “There are some who say this trial is too little, too late. I say better late than never.”…  Read the McClatchy article as a PDF, archived May 2, 2015



 Die Schuld, überlebt zu haben by Alexander Haneke, published by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, April 29, 2015


Read the FAZ article as a PDF, in the original German archived May 4, 2015



001SuddeutscheZeitungArticle-ImgeDas Zeugenhaus by Karin Steinberger by Karin Steinberger, published in Suddeutsche Zeitung, April 30, 2015


Ein Leben, aus dem Tod geboren, by Judith Kalman, published in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, May 6, 2015

ProzessGegen OskarGröning-Image

Read this FAZ piece as a PDF, in German, archived May 7, 2015